Signs, signs, everywhere a sign

“Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?”

If you recognize these lines, you probably grew up when I did, or you are an amazing music fan. (And if you don’t, go listen to it on the Internet!) Some of us grew up when signs were taking over, and now we just don’t really notice them. But when we started moving around, we noticed they were unique.

This first set might not be so different but since protest signs are important to me, I have to show you the best of them.

These are from some different protests that I attended.

This one is “duh.”

There was quite a lot of hiking signs that we had never seen before. Some of them really surprised me because I thought everyone knew about these!

I may have hiked and camped too much in my life so I know all the safety rules, but who is stupid enough to feed bears or other wildlife?
Another one that seemed kind of self-explanatory.
I guess rattlesnakes need to be protected. I still have not seen one, but Chris has seen two while biking. They just hang out on The Loop, the Tucson bike path. He is thrilled each time. I am super okay not ever seeing one.
This one was SURPRISING! We found it near the Grand Canyon.
Another Grand Canyon sign.
Again, I have never seen this sign ( and probbly won’t anywhere else!)
One of my favorites!!
Lots of venomous creature signs!

Some were just really funny. This first one is real! In New Mexico, and near Los Alamos, there were many of them!

My favorite sign in the world!

This one is not real but made me smile and want to buy it for so many people I know.

And here is another one that is not real, but I may need it in my front yard.

Here is one I got from someone else, but also laughed at it.

I will leave you with two signs seen as part of our breakfast project. The breakfast project is about finding the best breakfast places in Tucson. We have probably tried somewhere between 10-15 so far, and only 1 was just okay. But these had the best signs.

And Bobo’s has great coffee and amazing pancakes even though it is kind of a greasy diner.
Another greasy ish diner that has amazing pancakes.

Ciao all! Good friends and new digs is the next to come!

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